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With the increasing sophistication of today’s mechanical and electrical designs, the advanced technology of the equipment required, and the increased expectations of building owners and occupants, quality design and first class construction are only the first steps in achieving a successful project. Commissioning of the systems and design has become essential to the process.


What is Commissioning?

Commissioning is a collaborative, quality-driven, systematic process that focuses on verifying and documenting that a building and all of its commissioned systems are planned, installed, inspected, tested, operated and managed as designed. Some of the main building systems involved in commissioning include:


  • Mechanical systems such as HVAC, ductwork and ventilation systems

  • Electrical systems such as power distribution and lighting controls

  • Plumbing systems

  • Communication and alarm systems

  • Protective systems such as fire/smoke protection

  • The building “envelope” such as the walls, roof, windows/curtainwall, doors, etc.


At its core, commissioning is the process of integrating all the disparate parts of a building into an integrated, functioning whole. It begins with assuring that each component is installed and operating correctly, meeting the performance requirements of the design. This is accomplished by proper inspection, testing and certification of the basic installations. The next step is the coordination of the individual components into functional systems. The final level of the commissioning effort is the integration and optimization of the systems into a cohesive whole. The final element of the commissioning process is the documentation of the completed building.


Commissioning should be looked upon as a holistic, integrative process that spans from pre-design/planning to occupancy and operations. It should also include ongoing commission functions after construction is finished.


Financial Benefits to Commissioning

Commissioning can produce significant cost savings in a new building project. Cost savings are usually presented as a range, since actual savings vary, depending on building type, location and the scope of the commissioning process. A study by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found the following cost savings ranges:


  • Value of Energy Savings: $0.02 - $0.19/sqft

  • Value of Non-energy Savings: $0.23 - $6.96/sqft


Our Approach to Commissioning

Our commissioning expertise is derived from an extensive history of delivering high performing, highly efficient buildings. Our team of experienced engineers and technical professionals can help you reduce your risk, mitigate critical issues and deliver a cost-effective solution for the performance of your facilities.


Our tailored approach to commissioning is geared toward efficiency and sustainability, ensuring it will have a positive outcome for your facility operations and occupants.


As part of our integrated project delivery, our commissioning, re-commissioning and retro-commissioning services include, but are not limited to:


  • New construction

  • Modernization projects

  • Existing buildings and facilities

Our Commissioning Process



We will work your your team to assist in defining the project requirements and ensuring they are measurable, documentable and verifiable. These are then built into a detailed commissioning draft plan to confirm all parties clearly understand the commissioning process, the schedule and allocate a sufficient budget to cover the requirements



Our commissioning professionals initiate focused design reviews for commissionability and maintainability. We use our experience to understand how the systems will work together, how they will need to be operated and what methods work best. Feedback from the review are shared with the design team to confirm that the Owner's Project Requirements have been incorporated.



The commissioning process requirements are clearly identified in the bid documents. Details of the commissioning plan, commissioning specifications (including an outline of commissioning method statement requirements), documentation and instrumentation requirements are provided to the sub-contractors/vendors to ensure they are fully aware of their obligations.



At the earliest stages of the Construction Phase, we commence commissioning workshops with the design and construction teams to maintain an awareness of the commissioning process. Drawings and technical submittals are reviewed and all aspects that may compromise performance, efficient operation or maintenance are highlighted, discussed and resolved.


Commissioning of Building Systems

We manage the commissioning teams through regular scheduled meetings. Systems testing and commissioning results are progressively witnessed and verified by our commissioning professionals.



For environments designed to utilize critical systems, heat load tests and integrated systems tests (IST) are recommended prior to handover. For life safety systems, a cause and effect test should also be conducted. These tests are documented by our professionals after studying the systems architecture to ensure all potential failure scenarios are successfully simulated.



We provide a support role for the incoming facility management team regarding the operation of the building systems. With an intimate knowledge of the systems installation, commissioning and performance testing, we provide advice as to the correct operation and tuning of the user.



Continuous commissioning is an ongoing process to resolve operational problems, improve comfort, optimize energy use and identify retrofits. System operations and usage are observed and interviews with Operations and Maintenance (O&M) staff are completed to gather feedback on operational problems. Recommendations are then provided for fine tuning or functional adjustments to ease operation and maintain optimum O&M cost and energy efficiencies.

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